How we can help

How to treat your hearing loss

Hearing health is one of the building blocks of a happy life. If you can understand how your hearing works and what you can do to protect it, you won't just be doing your ears a favor, you'll be boosting your overall health and well-being, too.

Find your nearest hearing center.

How our hearing works?

Back to the basics: how do we hear?

Our bodies and how they function are nothing short of amazing. And our ears? Well, they're no exception. Every bend and fold of the ear serves its purpose - funneling, amplifying and interpreting the sounds from the world around us. So, how does it all work exactly?

Let's hitch a ride on a soundwave and journey into the inner workings of the ear

  • 1. Let's hitch a ride on a soundwave and journey into the inner workings of the ear

    First stop: The ear canal. As the sound wave enters the opening of the ear, it's funneled through the ear canal until it reaches the eardrum.
  • 2. The dance of the drum

    The sound wave reaching the eardrum causes it to vibrate. The vibrations are then sent from the eardrum on to three tiny bones in the inner ear, known as the ossicles.
  • 3. Turn it up

    These three bones increase the sound vibrations and pass them on to the fluid-filled, snail-shaped king of the middle ear - the cochlea.
  • 4. The ripple effect

    The vibrations cause the fluid in the cochlea to ripple, creating a wave of fluid to move through the cochlea.
  • 5. Riding the waves

    Thousands of tiny hair cells within the cochlea ride this wave, bumping and bending to create electric signals that are sent to the auditory nerve.
  • 6. Please exit the ride

    Last stop: the brain. Once the electric signals make their way from the auditory nerve to the brain, they are translated into sounds we know and understand.
Protecting your hearing

Listen up: how to protect your hearing health

You've seen the intricate journey a simple sound wave embarks on when it makes its way through your ear. So, it's no surprise that any interruption along the way can lead to major travel troubles. But, don't worry, there are plenty of ways to make sure you're playing your part in protecting those precious ears of yours.

Regular check-ups

Everything in our bodies is connected, so it's essential to keep an eye on your other systems as well. Managing your blood pressure, cardiac health and keeping diabetes under control are important steps in protecting your hearing health. It's also a great idea to learn more about your family history as well.

Healthy living

Protecting your hearing health means maintaining a healthy lifestyle overall. Reducing stress, avoiding smoking, limiting your alcohol intake and exercising regularly all play a role in preventing damage to your hearing.

Say no to loud noises

One of the main causes of hearing loss is exposure to loud noise. The tiny hair cells in your ears are sensitive structures and once they're damaged, there's no fixing them. Avoid loud environments for extended periods of time, don't turn your headphones up too loud and always wear ear protection.
Schedule your complimentary hearing evaluation now
Improve your hearing

Tips for better hearing

While education, prevention and protection are all essentials when it comes to taking care of your hearing health, understanding how to better cope with any existing hearing loss should also be a priority. After all, our hearing affects every part of our daily life, from our relationships and jobs to our self-confidence and mental health. Here's how you can better equip yourself against the difficulties of hearing loss.
  • Improve your surroundings

    If you find you're having trouble understanding those around you, move to a quiter place. By reducing background noise, you allow your ears to focus on the sound that really matters.
  • Face to face

    We don't just communicate through sound. Our hand movements, facial expressions and mouths are all active parts of the conversation. Face the people you're talking to and you'll be amazed at how much more you understand.
  • Can you repeat that?

    It takes two to tango... and to hold a conversation. Don't be afraid to ask people to repeat something if you didn't hear it or understand. That way, you can actively take part in the discussion too. It can also help to have them speak more slowly or even write things down, if necessary.
  • Aid your hearing

    When you're struggling to see, you wear glasses. Why should hearing be any different? If you're living with hearing loss, explore your hearing aid options. Taking advantage of today's technology will make a world of difference.
break the silence. take charge
Can you hear me?

Complimentary online hearing screening

Take our online hearing screening to not only determine your hearing level but your spatial awareness, too.
Online hearing screening

Hearing health basics: FAQ

Improving hearing health together

Types of hearing loss HearUSA

Know your type of hearing loss

Knowing about your hearing health, and the different types of hearing loss that might affect it, helps you to detect or prevent a hearing loss. Explore the types below. If you are curious about your hearing abilities try out the online hearing screening.
styletto hearing aids

Types of hearing aids

Ready to experience the difference in your hearing? Start by exploring our smart hearing aid options tailored just for you.

With a variety of styles, sizes, and advanced features, you’re sure to find the perfect fit that will transform the way you hear the world.

Book your consultation today and take the first step towards better hearing!

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Getting help for your hearing loss

Hearing loss not only affects how you hear, but how well your brain is able to function. From protecting your physical and mental well-being to improving your career outlooks, your hearing plays an essential role in it all. With HearUSA by your side, you’ll have all the tools you need to stop the effects of hearing loss and start hearing better today.

Talk to an expert in one of our hearing centers.

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