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Celebrating World Hearing Day with HearUSA

Every year on March 3, hearing health takes center stage for World Hearing Day. The theme, "Changing mindsets: empower yourself to make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”, spotlights hearing loss and why hearing care is so important. On this day and every day, HearUSA is dedicated to empowering people to take charge of their hearing health.
Published 3/4/2025,
Updated 3/20/2025
Hearing healthHearing services
world hearing day HearUSA
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What is World Hearing Day?

Your Hearing Health Matters

Originally established in 2007 as International Ear Care Day, the first conference was hosted by China Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Deaf Children and the World Health Organization (WHO)1. The date of March 3 was chosen for this special day because the numbers — 3/3 — symbolize two ears.2

With a staggering 1.5 billion people with hearing loss worldwide, and another 1 billion young people at risk from permanent damage from loud noise exposure, it’s never been more important to bring awareness to how this under-acknowledged epidemic can impact people of all ages.3 The WHO is doing just that with their 2025 theme, "Changing mindsets: empower yourself to make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”.
Hearing aid appointment with elderly woman

This World Hearing Day, we’re raising awareness about the importance of hearing health. At HearUSA, we’re committed to breaking barriers to better hearing through Simply Excellent Hearing Care, innovative technology and personalized solutions. Let’s work together to make better hearing possible for everyone.

Book your appointment today and step confidently towards a future with better hearing!

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The Impact of the 2025 Theme

How the 2025 Theme Boosts Hearing Health Awareness

The WHO’s theme for World Hearing Day 2025, “Changing mindsets: Empower yourself to make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”, not only focuses on raising awareness about hearing health, but encourages action by both people with hearing loss and society as a whole.2

This important theme:2

  • Creates hearing health awareness.
  • Highlights the need to challenge hearing loss stigma and misconceptions, such as associating hearing loss only with being “old.”
  • Promotes early detection and hearing screenings as a normal part of yearly preventive care.
  • Emphasizes the importance of hearing care across all ages.

Creating awareness and encouraging proactive steps toward hearing loss prevention and treatment is crucial for not only hearing health, but so it also becomes a recognized and prioritized part of total health. From the brain and cardiovascular system to mental and social well-being, hearing loss can have a devastating impact on the body and mind if left untreated. Hearing well truly is a vital part of whole health and well-being.

This year’s theme shows how important it is for individuals to take control and seek the care they need. When people stand up and advocate for themselves, they become more confident in seeking any additional care they need. Their actions can also encourage others to seek treatment as well. This fosters a world where hearing health is more  understood, valued, and accessible to all.

HearUSA actively and continuously works to make better hearing more accessible to people all across the US. With 400 hearing centers nationwide, affordable hearing solutions that include lower-priced over-the-counter hearing aids, affordable financing plans, and the ability to use insurance benefits, HearUSA makes better hearing possible for all — no matter location or budget.

Hearing Loss Affects All Ages

Two common myths are that hearing loss only affects older adults and that it can’t be prevented. However, loud noise exposure (think concerts, firearms, construction machinery, fireworks, motorcycles, lawn tools, etc.), genetics, various illnesses, and medical conditions can cause hearing issues at any age.
More on Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing Test Benefits — Take Action Today

Hearing health shouldn't be put on the backburner. Whether it’s to establish a baseline for hearing health or address some of the common hearing loss symptoms above, booking a complimentary hearing evaluation with HearUSA can empower individuals and provide the knowledge and peace of mind to move forward with confidence.
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Why Regular Hearing Tests Matter

The Importance of Regular Hearing Assessments

Just as important as yearly physicals, routine hearing check-ups can identify hearing loss and other ear-related issues earlier when easier to treat — ultimately leading to better treatment and health outcomes. Delaying care for hearing loss can lead to a variety of serious issues, such as communication challenges with friends and family, social isolation, depression, and even cognitive decline.4 

If any of these common hearing loss symptoms are experienced, a hearing test should be conducted by a licensed HearUSA hearing care specialist:

  • Difficulty following conversations in person, on the phone, etc. 
  • Frequently asking others to repeat themselves or saying “Huh?” or “What?” all the time.
  • Constantly turning up the volume on the TV or other devices.
  • Accusing people of mumbling when they speak.
  • Hearing a ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus (not always a sign of hearing loss)
  • Misunderstanding what someone is saying, such as hearing “cat” instead of “hat” or “dime” instead of “time.”
  • Feeling fatigued after conversations from constantly having to over-concentrate on what is being said.
  • Struggling to hear high-pitch sounds, like doorbells, women’s or children’s voices, or sirens.
Take Control of Your Hearing Health

How to Take Control of Your Hearing Health

Taking proactive measures to prevent hearing loss when younger or before hearing loss is noticed can go a long way toward better hearing health into the golden years. However, it’s never too late to start making hearing well a priority.

Four tips:

  • Wear earplugs or noise-canceling headphones in situations with loud noise, including around firearms, concerts, construction areas, lawn tools, etc.
  • Lower the volume on devices, such as TV, the car sound system, and earbuds/headphones.
  • Keep the outside of your ears clean, but don’t ever stick Q-tips or anything into the ear, as the eardrum could get damaged or earwax may get pushed further down the ear canal and cause issues.
  • Take care of your whole health, which includes avoiding smoking, staying active, and eating healthy foods. Health issues, such as high blood pressure, can contribute to hearing loss.
If hearing loss is suspected, see a professional hearing care specialist immediately at the first signs. Treating hearing loss sooner rather than later can help protect physical and mental health as well as remaining hearing ability, for the long term.
HearUSA's Commitment to Enhanced Hearing Health

How HearUSA Supports Better Hearing

At HearUSA, improving hearing health has always been our No. 1 priority. We believe that hearing care should be accessible to all, and that’s why we offer supportive expert care, innovative technology, and affordable options. 

HearUSA is also proud to offer:

Comprehensive hearing tests with our highly trained, licensed hearing care professionals, who assess individual needs and provide guidance on hearing solutions.
Cutting-edge hearing aid technology designed for day-to-day comfort and the best speech clarity to ensure conversations are always crystal clear and enjoyable.
Personalized hearing care plans tailored to fit each individual lifestyle, helping people feel confident no matter the situation.
Loyalty Club at HearUSA

HearUSA Loyalty Club

But our services don't stop there. We support our valued customers for life with our HearUSA Loyalty Club, designed to provide ongoing benefits and exclusive perks. Our Loyalty Club makes it easier to maintain optimal hearing as you age.
HearUSA Loyalty Club
Book an appointment with our hearing care professional for your hearing test

HearUSA Complimentary Hearing Screening

Are you curious about your hearing health? Take the first step today by trying our free online hearing test — a quick, easy way to check your hearing from the comfort of home. While this is a great tool to help you gain insight, it isn’t meant to replace a professional hearing exam.
HearUSA Complimentary Hearing Screening

World Hearing Day this year and every year serves as an important reminder that understanding hearing loss, regular screenings, early detection, and the right treatment all play a vital part in hearing health. It’s essential to overall well-being, and taking proactive steps now can make a lasting difference in overall quality of life. 

Just like World Hearing Day, HearUSA continuously works to increase awareness around hearing loss, related health issues, and the importance of regular hearing care. By helping people overcome misconceptions and outdated stigmas around hearing loss, and ensuring hearing care is more accessible, we can create a future where better hearing is a reality for all.

Schedule a complimentary hearing test with HearUSA today and take the first step toward better hearing. HearUSA is here to provide expert care and innovative solutions tailored to your needs. You can count on HearUSA and our Loyalty Club to help you maintain good hearing health for years to come.

1 World Health Organization: World Hearing Day 2025 (3 March) (2025):
2 World Health Organization: World Hearing Day through the years: Journey of advocacy (2025)
3 World Health Organization: Deafness (2025):
4 BETTERHEARING: Consequences of Untreated Hearing Loss (2017):
5 Johns Hopkins Medicine: The Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss (2025)

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